/Extract Used to extract enrollment packages (Microsoft_Intune_{X86,X64}.msi) destination. You can learn about other ways to enroll devices across all platforms. You can do it manually by Entering the MDM url in "Enroll only in Device Management" under Settting->Work access or school account. Next, I will enter my Office 365 user ID (no need to use an admin account) Once joined all apps, settings, and policies will be pushed to the device. The Wipe action restores a device to its factory default settings. Access the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center and click Devices. To add a new PowerShell script, click Add button and deploy it to Windows 10 devices. Prerequisites. Manually restart the enrollment of a Windows 10 machine in Intune without losing the configuration and the Azure AD join. Open Company Portal and sign in with your work or school account. Notes that it is automatically assigned to a profile. After a few days of testing and troubleshooting please find my tips below. But I've chosen to include this anyway to show you how it can be done manually. We build out what we refer to as a 'virtual image', a similar concept to a legacy desktop image except it is dynamic . Requires a Windows 10 Pro license. After being added to Intune Autopilot, every time the device is setup from a factory reset state it will guide the user through enrolling the device. In this post, you will be able to learn the Windows 10 Intune enrollment Process (manual).I have noticed that the manual Intune enrollment flow is changed a lot. Click enable, choose 'User Credential', and click on 'OK'. When I go to Azure Active Directory > Devices, it shows the 'Join Type' is Hybrid Azure AD joined. It says "There was a problem applying your organization's policies to your devices. Intune can be thought of as Group Policy and some pieces of an RMM in the cloud. the business that i temporarily need to give local admin permission to all users for them to be able to auto enroll in intune (going desk by desk to manually enable is definitely a NO-GO). There are multiple ways to enroll Windows PCs to Intune. EXAMPLE: Invoke-MDMReenrollment: Invoking re-enroll to Intune on local computer under logged user.. From what I've read the group policy / registry setting to enroll in Intune is only for domain-joined devices. See Enroll a Windows 10 device automatically using Group Policy for guidance. Click the blue folder icon and upload the just created csv file. Next steps. The prerequisites for this to have any chance of working, is that you grant admin consent by running the following bits of PowerShell on your own Windows PC, form an elevated PowerShell prompt. Part 9 shows you how to manually enroll a device into Intune. To do so: Turn on the computer and complete the initial Windows setup. You configure profiles that do things based on groups or other criteria you specify. In the current scenario Co-Management has already been set up in MEMCM. PowerShell scripts that invoke the WMI Bridge Provider for device settings need to be run as a local system user. If users have been assigned an Intune license, and the organization's MDM Authority has been set to Intune: Windows 7 or Windows 8 PC users are shown ONLY the option to enroll to Intune by downloading and installing the PC client software that is unique to their organization. After a few minutes the imported devise shows up. (0x80180024). Go to Settings > Workplace. You can add your organization CNAME for faster process but not necessary. You can do it manually by Entering the MDM url in "Enroll only in Device Management" under Settting->Work access or school account. Archived Forums > . The deletion process can take a few minutes to complete. Note that the . Autopilot, Autopilot module, Autopilot PowerShell, Graph, Intune, Intune_Graph, Michael Niehaus, MS Graph, powershell_modules, Windows Autopilot, WindowsAutopilotIntune . Note: A manual uninstall of the Microsoft Intune client doesn't remove the device from the Microsoft Intune administration console. This is… Re: Enroll existing Azure AD Joined W10 Devices into Intune. In the end it will look like this: 3. On the Microsoft Intune enrollment window, sign in with your work or school credentials and click Next. The hardware hash for an existing device is available through Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), as long as that device is running a supported version of Windows 10 semi-annual channel. PowerShell Add Device to Autopilot (Intune PowerShell) Follow these steps to add an existing Windows 10 device to Autopilot. You can control how business' devices are used, such as tablets, mobile phones, and laptops. Windows Autopilot is a collection of technologies that allows organizations to simplify deployment and setup of Windows 10. 3. Click OK. This is done from the Intune management portal. Enrolling the Windows 10 Device into Windows Autopilot. I can see the device in the Intune Portal. For more information about using devices with Intune, see Use managed devices to get work done. Recently, a customer asked if it was possible to install network printers, on Azure AD Joined Windows 10 devices, using Microsoft Intune. To do that we'll need to use the psexec tool, which we can find here. Prerequisites. . Options for Onboarding Existing Windows 10 Devices into Intune. Enable Intune MDM Enrollment. Double-click Enable Automatic MDM enrollment using default Azure AD credentials. Business Case I recently had a scenario at a customer where we needed to very quickly enroll machines into Intune but in an automated way without user intervention. Complete the following steps to remove a Windows 8.1 phone from Intune. You enroll using GPO for hybrid environment, Computer Configurations->A dministrative Templates > Windows Components > MDM. In this topic we'll be setting up Windows 10 1709 devices to Azure AD join and automatically MDM enroll to Microsoft Intune. - You can also use Group Policy (Auto MDM Enrollment with AAD Token) to enroll Windows 10 1709 or later Windows 10 Devices to Microsoft Intune. That's why I've decided to do another post about the MDM WMI Bridge provider.A quick reminder: the MDM WMI Bridge provider is used to map the CSPs to WMI. Windows 10 version 1709 (RS3) and later, Windows 8.1 RT, PCs running Windows 8.1 (Sustaining mode) To manage devices in Intune, devices must first be enrolled in the Intune service. Windows 10 1809 Intune Auto Enroll (GPO) without local admin. The Intune management extension has the following prerequisites. To run this command, you need to be logged in as the administrator. On the Delete account dialog box, tap Delete. I was reading a blog recently that made me think "there's got to be a better way" to force an MDM sync from the actual Windows 10 client - the example used the Graph API to connect from the client to the Intune service, then told Intune to initiate the sync, which sends a Windows notification (WNS push) to the client to tell it to wake up and do something. But when I check under devices in Intune, the device is there but not with the full device details (see attached image) I have tested enrolling on other devices and they are enrolling fine. Enroll Windows 10 devices in Intune. To unenroll your Windows device, see Remove your Windows device from management. and it has the following silent possibilities: /Quiet Used to run enrollment package installation in quiet mode. Tells Intune to start syncing policies for said device. run the below PS command in the windows device PowerShell (as administrator) . Enroll Windows 10, version 1607 and later device. Below, I will show you how to enroll a Windows 10 device to Intune. Devices running Windows 10 version 1607 or later. EXAMPLE: Invoke-MDMReenrollment -computerName PC-01 -asSystem: Invoking re-enroll to Intune on computer PC-01 under SYSTEM account.. NOTES Autopilot devices are deployed and managed with speed and ease of cloud MDM solution i.e. When Group Policy next updates on those devices to which the setting is scoped, they will pull down the setting for Windows 10 to attempt to enroll to Intune with no user interaction required. Windows 10 1809 Devices are Hybrid Azure AD joined. Both personally owned and corporate-owned devices can be enrolled for Intune management. Tap Delete at the bottom of the screen. This method simplifies the OOBE - as mentioned with the Azure AD join method - as it will automatically add the device to AD or Azure AD and directly enroll the device . I just ran the executable with /? If you take a look at Access Work or School, it shows Connected to Azure AD. I think it should be quite simple to deploy the Microsoft Intune client via PowerShell. First introduced in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, Autopilot lets . My eyes lit up. Enroll Windows 10 devices in Intune. In order to enroll an already purchased device in Autopilot, the hardware information from the device will need to be collected and submitted to UW-IT for enrollment in Autopilot. Trying to push a simple powershell script to the device from Intune but do not see any actions on the client side. Select Devices > Windows > Windows enrollment > Devices (under Windows Autopilot Deployment Program). I am having issue enrolling Windows 10 laptop into Intune. Intune works with all device flavors - Windows, iOS, MacOS, Android, etc. Updated on 19th June 2021 - I have seen an update about manual cleanup of Microsoft Intune - Manually re-enroll a co-managed or Hybrid Azure AD Join Windows 10 PC to Microsoft Intune without loosing current configuration | Maxime Rastello. A long, long time ago, I wrote about the MDM WMI Bridge provider.Nowadays I notice that the MDM WMI Bridge provider is still an unknown configuration layer for many IT admins. Once your new device is installed and you are at the screen where you can select the language, press Shift + F10. Enable Windows 10 Device Enrollment (Image Credit: Russell Smith) Open Internet Explorer and go to the Intune management portal here. For devices that don't use Autopilot (but have the Enrollment Status Page enabled making sure they get the Automatic Time Zone registry setting via PowerShell), these settings do apply without a restart or user approval required. Windows 10 or Windows 8.1 PC users are shown two enrollment options: If the device is enrolled using bulk auto-enrollment, devices must run . To do it, I will click on Start -> Settings -> Accounts. 1. I have created the Group Policy set for Enable automatic MDM enrollment using default Azure AD credentials with Device Credentials. To give our Hybrid Azure AD joined device a trial by fire, we will edit its local group policies to automatically enroll into Intune. Here's a Windows 11 Enterprise device after getting to the desktop for the first time (showing Eastern Time): The goal of Autopilot is to reduce the Os deployment complexity. Deploy PowerShell Script using Intune. Deep Link. Click Done. Click Done. Description: The Windows Autopilot method enables users to easily enroll corporate-owned devices.Windows Autopilot can be used to automate the Azure AD Join and directly enroll corporate-owned devices into Microsoft Intune. profile from Devices . Select Devices and then select Windows devices. Access the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center and click Devices. Select All Devices and you should now see the Intune enrolled device in the device list. #Intune #IntuneMDM #MDM #MobileDeviceManagementWindows Device EnrollmentMicrosoft IntuneHow to enroll Windows 10 Device in Intune?Enable Windows Automatic En. This video shows the different methods on how to enroll your private own Windows 10 device to Microsoft Intune or Azure Active Directory.Intune enrollment me. On newly setup machines using OOBE you configure the device as "Work" during the intial setup stage and Powershell scripts distributed through Intune work perfectly. Here's the latest in the Keep it Simple with Intune series. The Windows 10 management client will communicate with Intune to run enterprise management tasks. I . You are now ready to enroll your device into Intune using Windows Autopilot. On the Intune management extension page, under common issues and resolutions, it says that you need to "Be sure the devices are auto-enrolled in Azure AD". And then from the new cmd window, we'll change the directory and run the PowerShell script: And in . Switch for invoking re-enroll as a SYSTEM instead of logged user.. In the current scenario Co-Management has already been set up in MEMCM. Specifies the directory for the extracted package. Remove your Windows 8.1 phone. We spend a lot of time assisting customers to realize the benefits and efficiencies of managing Windows 10 devices via the cloud by leveraging Microsoft Intune. All the Windows 10 devices I need to enroll are joined to Azure AD with no on-prem AD. Intune works with all device flavors - Windows, iOS, MacOS, Android, etc. There are many ways to skin this cat and what made it more challenging was the Printer Driver was packaged in the dark ages (putting it politely). You configure profiles that do things based on groups or other criteria you specify. The user data is kept if you choose the Retain enrollment state and user account checkbox. Use Intune Company Portal to enroll devices running on Windows 10, version 1607 and later, and Windows 11. please have a look at "Scenario 8" in the article "Managing Windows 10 with Intune - The Many Ways to Enrol", you need to set two different GPOs, one that controls hybrid AAD join and one that controls Intune MDM enrollment: Managing Windows 10 with Intune - The Many Ways to Enrol Under Windows Policies, select PowerShell Scripts. @Thijs Lecomte totally understand what you have said. Once the prerequisites are met, the Intune management extension installs automatically when a PowerShell script or Win32 app is assigned to the user or device. As I described before, this step is not required for if the user chooses to automatically enroll into Intune during the OOBE phase. There was a time Intune policies seriously lacked functionality you could get from GPOs in AD. Supported editions are: • Pro • Pro . Windows 10 version 1703 or higher must be used. Now that the domain joined Windows 10 devices are Hybrid AD Joined we can now use a group policy to automatically enroll them into Intune. Devices manually enrolled in Intune, which is when: Auto-enrollment to Intune is enabled in Azure AD. Select All Devices and you should now see the Intune enrolled device in the device list. Enroll Windows 10 devices in Intune. Also check my other comment as that is the better to enroll existing device into Intune MDM with no user interaction. Video - Windows 10 Intune Manual Enrollment Process. Windows autopilot is a windows 10 feature which can use to pre-configure, reset, repurpose, recover devices. In this article, I'm going to give you a method I used to re-trigger the enrollment of a Windows 10 device in Intune. We do not have Microsoft Store enabled in our environment. We recommend you use this process only for test devices and testing. MDM Enrollment. There are two ways to get devices enrolled in Intune: Users can self-enroll their Windows PCs Users can also issue a remote command from the Intune Company Portal to devices that are enrolled in Intune. The registry key I've tried adding is:"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MDM""AutoEnrollMDM" with value 1. If you then click on the link Enable Windows 10 automatic enrollment, you can see this page talks about setting up MDM and CNAME for easy enrollment. Choose the devices that you want to delete, and then select Delete. In the next screen, enter the password and wait for the authentication to complete. This time my post is more focused on providing some examples . If however you take an existing Windows 10 machine joined to Hybrid Azure AD (Domain and Azure AD) and enrol that into Intune, I'm finding the scripts aren't running. In this quickstart, you learned how to enroll a Windows 10/11 device into Intune. If you take a look at Access Work or School, it shows Connected to Azure AD. You probably don't want to ask your end users to run PowerShell scripts and reset their device. By using the Retire or Wipe actions, you can remove devices from Intune that are no longer needed, being repurposed, or missing. Enroll a corporate owned device with Windows 10 in Intune. We are now in the Local Group Policy Editor. Once a windows 10 machine is joined to Azure AD, the machine can be managed with Intune. Completely removing a device from your tenant requires you to delete the Intune, Azure AD, and Windows Autopilot device . 1. Specify the name of the PowerShell script and you may add a description as well. You can use a PowerShell script ( Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo.ps1 ) to get a device's hardware hash and serial number. Windows 10 Azure AD Join Intune Auto Enrollment; NOTE! I want to share my own experience migrating from Microsoft Intune Enrolled devices using the PC Client Software (Agent) to re-enrolling these devices using the MDM channel. So how does we enroll the device in to Intune. 2. If your Intune is setup enrolled for AllUsers and you joined AAD with user, it will automatically enrolled to Intune. Posted On 9 July 2020. Enroll Windows 10 devices in Intune. Windows 10; Windows 11; To manage devices in Intune, devices must first be enrolled in the Intune service. Make sure -Online is on the end of the commend. Manually Enrolling Windows Devices to the Intune/Endpoint Manager by Windows Autopilot. It's a different experience for end-users when they are manually enrolling their personal Windows 10 devices to Intune. Select Allow my organization to manage my device. How to Remove Microsoft Intune Client. When enrolled, the device is registered with the organisation, which ensures that the user is authorised to access the organisations applications, email, etc and then policies are applied to the device based on what has been assigned. The scheduled task will uninstall the Windows Intune Agent. After a few days of testing and troubleshooting please find my tips below. With this in place, you can create PowerShell scripts to run on Windows 10 devices e.g, creating a PowerShell script that does advanced device configurations. Windows 10 MDM features will be supplemented by IME. Business Case I recently had a scenario at a customer where we needed to very quickly enroll machines into Intune but in an automated way without user intervention. Intune can be thought of as Group Policy and some pieces of an RMM in the cloud. If done correctly, a user logs to an out-of-box computer, logs on his computers with his ADD user account and applications and configurations gets deployed. Devices enrolled in a group policy (GPO). The next step for James is to enroll his new device into Intune. Tap the workplace account that you want to unenroll. When I go to Access work or school in Settings . To follow the uninstallation of the Microsoft Intune client take a look again at the Enrollment.log. Deep links are like shortcuts that allow us to access a specific screen on our machine using a link that we type either in the browser or in the run command line. How to enroll . Click Import. In Production you would use GPO but to demonstrate i am going to create a local group policy on a machine (gpedit.msc) Navigate to Computer Policy > Administrative Templates . Thanks Stéphane! 2. Remove the SCCM client silently (without the need for interaction from the end user's perspective) Download the PSTools, we'll be using PSExec to achieve . Both personally owned and corporate-owned devices can be enrolled for Intune management. Click Next. On the Connect to work screen, select Connect. First of all start by hitting Windows + R (opening the Run window) and type gpedit.msc. Requires someone to extract the hardware hash and upload to Intune if not collected at the time of procurement. 1. Windows Autopilot is a new and emerging solution designed that allows to setup and pre-configure Windows devices for your environment using Azure and Intune. It's exist on all Windows and it's kind of the shortcut for the setting to enroll device in MDM in account section fo the settings. We need to enroll our existing domain-joined laptops into Intune. This will also show that it slightly changed the last two parameters of the provided command line. 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